Chlorine Dioxide Drinking Water Treatment – CDD 5000

We are India’s only established and approved manufacturer for our various range of Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂) solutions for drinking water treatment, offering Powder, Liquid and Tablets. Our CGMP-certified production facility spans 20,000 sq. ft. and complies with ISO 9001:2015 and NSF-ANSI 60 standards, ensuring high-quality drinking water disinfection.

 Our CDD 5000 Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) and other products are approved by the Ministry of Drinking Water and sanitation and used in 8 Indian states (Punjab, Rajasthan, U.P, West Bengal, Goa, Maharashtra) for drinking water & exported to over 23 countries globally. 

Why Choose Chlorine Dioxide Over Conventional Chlorination?

Chlorination of drinking water is the most common method for disinfection of water. Methods like Chlorine Gas, Sodium Hypochlorite etc.  are used for disinfection of drinking water, however, these methods have several drawbacks. The  bi-products like trihalomethanes (THMs) that are generated are linked to severe health risks, including cancer and organ damage (lungs, liver, bones, eyes).  A report from  World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA  confirms these concerns. 

CDD 5000 Chlorine Dioxide approved by DIN EN 12671: 2009-04 (chemical used for treatment of water  intended for human consumption), NSF ANSI 60, overcomes these issues, ensuring effective microbial control in drinking water with no carcinogenic by-products and a longer residual effect than chlorine.

Chlorine Dioxide. “CDD5000TM” is a unique advanced delivery system of two  powder component that generates 0.50% (5000 PPM) pure Chlorine Dioxide solution that is applied as a drinking water disinfectant. “CDD5000TM” 0.50% solution does not contain free chlorine. The active biocidal substance is the chlorine dioxide molecular, at  least 10 times more powerful than chlorine and chlorine type disinfectants. 


  • Indigenous product,
  • On site testing kit is available. 
  • Powerful inorganic oxidizing agent and free radical with residual  disinfection capacity.
  • 99.9% effective against all water borne microorganisms (spore forming bacteria,  viruses, protozoa, fungi and yeast. 
  • Very short contact time. 
  • Long residual disinfection capacity (up to 48 hours). 
  • High efficiency in the removal of iron and manganese compounds. 
  • Destroy algae related taste and odour compounds. 
  • Steady bactericidal efficacy within a board pH. 
  • More disinfection and less chemistry. 
  • Dos not react to water to from hypochlorous acid (no free chlorine). 
  • Chlorite and chlorate building heavily suppressed. 
  • CDD 5000” doesn’t chlorinate organic materials. 
  • Decrease THM, HAA, MX other organic compounds with toxic or  
  • carcinogenic properties. 
  • European Standard DIN EN 12671. 
  • Shelf life – 2 years.
  • Kinetic strength of the CDD 5000 solution remain same  
  • for 30 days of the solution. 
  • Very easy transportation.
The image shows a black bucket labeled "CDD5000" and three smaller packets, all from SVS Aqua Technologies.



Chlorine reduces the life of the plant by average 15 to 20% as per the studies  conducted. Whereas CDD 5000 is no corrosive. Enclosed the supporting documents.  


In case of rural water supply the schemes are small in size and scatters over various  locations. With the conventional treatment it is expensive and practically difficult to  carry the conventionally used chemicals. Which on many occasions result into a  procedural bottleneck and hurdle in providing safe drinking water. 


Bleaching powder has a life of 3 months & sodium hypochlorite has a life of 1 month.  And after opening the bag the contents are to be used immediately. Which in many  occasion results into goods obsoletion or using expired goods. This also increases the  operational cost & other aspects. (CDD 5000 has a shelf life of 3 years).  

The generated mother liquor is stable only for a day in case of SBP & 5-6 days in case  of sodium hypochlorite. Which restrict the use to a drastic extent. CDD 5000 solution  has a shelf life of 30 days. 


Chlorine needs minimum 30 minutes to  

complete its disinfection. All the home  

coming before 30 min of the dosing  

gets a untreated water. Residue after  

dosing stays only for 3-4 hrs. CDD 5000  

has a contact time of 1to 5 minute.  And residue in water stays till 24 hrs.

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