The image shows a black bucket labeled "CDD5000" and three smaller packets, all from SVS Aqua Technologies.

CDD 5000® – Advanced Chlorine Dioxide Powder for Water Treatment

  • CDD 5000® is an advanced chlorine dioxide powder for water treatment, designed as a two-component system that produces pure chlorine dioxide disinfectant in aqueous form.
  • Globally, chlorine dioxide for water purification has been a trusted water disinfection solution for decades, and in India the product is in used in drinking water since 2007.
  • CDD 5000® is registered in India as a disinfectant for potable water treatment.
  • The product is approved by Ministry of Water Resources & Sanitation, and is approved in Over 50% of the states as a drinking water disinfectant.
  • CDD 5000®, a drinking water disinfectant is being exported to over 23 countries and meets chlorine dioxide water treatment standards.

Trusted by industries worldwide – Choose CDD 5000® for advanced water disinfection!


CDD 5000®/CDL 7500sup>® (Chlorine Dioxide) is an oxidizing biocide based on chlorine dioxide powder. It eliminates microorganisms in water by attacking and penetrating their cell wall, disrupting the transport of nutrients across the cell wall and inhibiting protein synthesis. Since this action occurs regardless of the metabolic state of the organism, oxidizing biocides are effective against dormant organisms and spores (Giardia Cysts and Poliovirus) also, making it one of the most effective chlorine dioxide water treatment solutions.

CDD 5000®, a leading chlorine dioxide water disinfectant, offers solution to both the issues not addressed by traditional practices and products. Chlorine dioxide is completely odorless and tasteless at applied concentration levels and does not adversely affect the taste of the water. Likewise because it is the most effective agent for biofilm removal, it will prevent the growth of algae in the water troughs altogether. The combination of these two effects will allow the cow to consume more water and thus produce more milk.

CDD 5000® comes in a two-component powder mixture that, when added to a set volume of water, produces a 0.5% (5,000 ppm) solution of chlorine dioxide. The powder components of CDD 5000® are easy to transport and stock and safe to use. Dosing is done by conventional, plug and play chemical metering equipment or also by means of manual pouring. As a made-up concentrate CDD 5000® delivers a far more effective disinfection power than any other traditional disinfectants and a more rapid disinfection can be made through its self-dispersal action.

Why Micro-organisms are unable to build up resistamce to CDD 5000®?

When the cell wall is penetrated by chlorine dioxide, Organic substances within cells and on the surface of cell membranes react with chlorine dioxide, causing cell metabolism to be disrupted. Chlorine dioxide also reacts directly with amino acids and the RNA in the cell. This reaction is not dependent on reaction time or concentration. Unlike traditional disinfectants, chlorine dioxide powder for water treatment kills microorganisms even when they are inactive, thereby ensuring long-lasting water purification. Microorganisms are unable to build up resistance to chlorine dioxide, in practical terms.

Ensure safe and effective water purification with CDD 5000® chlorine dioxide powder.


  • Food & Beverage Industry:
    • Poultry & Meat Processing with chlorine dioxide disinfectant
    • Seafood Processing & Surface Sanitation
    • Fruits & Vegetable Washing with chlorine dioxide water treatment
  • RO and UF Membrane:
    • Membrane Sanitation
    • Biofouling removal and control
    • Pseudomonas Removal
  • Horticulture and Green House:
    • Algae and Biofilms Control
    • Bacteria and Virus Control
  • Water Treatment:
    • Sewage Water Treatment
    • Wastewater Treatment
  • Livestock & Aqua Culture Water Treatment:
    • Dairy Farming: Water disinfection for livestock health
    • Poultry Farming: Safe water treatment for poultry farms
    • Aqua Culture: Chlorine dioxide for water purification in fish/shrimp farming


It is recommended to have production lines clean for proper functioning. Chlorine dioxide generated by CDD 5000® is ideal for utility water disinfection, pharmaceutical production lines, and food & beverage facility sanitation. CDD 5000®, a trusted chlorine dioxide water treatment solution, is also effective as a disinfectant for utility water systems, surface decontamination, and process applications which Keeps your equipment running and free of anti-microbial threats.

Some of the benefits of CDD 5000® includes:

  • Effective in both liquid and gas phases — they even sanitize head space in process tanks.
  • Easy to use and generate so you can dramatically reduce your service time.
  • Easy to flush — one or two volumetric flushes are all that is needed
  • Completely decontaminate reactors and tanks. CDD 5000® strip and removes biomass so equipment remains cleaner longer and
    recontamination is reduced
  • Clean sterile filtration, ultra filtration units and In-situ cleaning of chromatography media.
  • Steam heats equipment to high temperatures requiring long heating and cooling cycles. CDD 5000® is rinsed rapidly, leaving no residue, thereby reducing downtime and, effectively, increasing production capacity with no capital investment.
  • Decontaminate water systems, membranes, fluid lines and reservoirs. Strip and remove biomass so lines remain clean longer reduce recontamination.
  • Decontaminate RO systems (including both sides of RO) as well as clean un-wetted surfaces and headspaces in water lines, tanks and distribution loops.
  • Reduce service time and volume of water required. Unlike bleach, peracetic acid or peroxide, which are commodity liquid
    chemicals, CDD 5000® rinse rapidly, leaving no residue, and is much less corrosive to system components because of greater selectivity and efficacy at lower concentration.

Usage Example
CDD 5000® comes in a two component powder systems which are to be mixed at the point of application and the concentrated solution can be used by adding a specific volume of the stock solution to your volume of water in a tank, reservoir or container. Circulate at a concentration of 50-100 ppm. This is dependent upon the organic debris in the lines and reservoir or the surface you wish to sanitize and also on the size of the system. Cleaning effectiveness is based on solution concentration and contact time. With typical cleaning concentrations of 50-100 ppm and a contact time of 30 to 60 minutes, ( Note – In cases of system sanitized with CDD 5000 for the first time, the concentration & contact time will depend upon the organic matter in the system which may be more than the recommended). CDD 5000® should fully clean any surface because it generates high purity chlorine dioxide in an aqueous solution form, which will rapidly rinse from tanks, reservoirs, lines and surfaces therefore permitting the ability to be producing results again in less than one hour. Flush CDD 5000® from the system after appropriate circulation and contact time. For surface applications just let dry or rinse in accordance with equipment manufacturer instructions.

sizes available

Table showing packaging size, active Chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) percentage, water to be mixed, and water treated.

Looking for the best chlorine dioxide water treatment solution?


Step 1

Take the chlorine dioxide powder (CDD 5000®) pouch and carefully read the instructions before starting the water disinfection process.

Step 2

Fill at-Least the designated volume of water to begin the chloriine dioxide water treatment process

Step 3

Add Component B and wait for 15 mins, then add Component A. (P.S. Always add Powder --> water)

Step 4

Secure the lid tightly and allow the solution to activate for optimal chlorine dioxide disinfection in 4 hours

Step 5

After 4 hrs, gently agitate the solution to homogenize clos in the entire volume of storage tank.


CDD 5000® chlorine dioxide powder for water treatment is certified by:


Chlorine dioxide use continues to grow due to its anti-microbial properties and neutral pH. Still there are many questions regarding its use and properties. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions and the answers.

What does CDD 5000® chlorine dioxide powder produce ?
  • CDD 5000® produces 5000 ppm aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide. Where in ClO2 exists in gaseous form in the solution.
  • CDD 5000® is designed to maintain, clean and removing organic matter from fluid lines, reservoirs, small enclosures, filtration units, chromatography media as well as tools and surfaces.
  • CDD 5000® generated ClO2 is fast-working, effective, highly compatible and extremely quick-rinsing alternatives to other cleaning agents on the market. Chlorine dioxide has more capacity to remove organic matter due to its inherent chemical characteristics. Since it offers much greater selectivity towards key organics, it presents superior material compatibility over other commonly used products, like chlorine. Because ClO2 exists as a pure gas in water, it will rapidly rinse from any surface or system (1-2 volumetric flushes).
  • Chlorine dioxide has been recognized as an effective cleaning agent for decades. It is used in a wide range of hygiene-related applications worldwide. Municipal water systems have used chlorine dioxide to treat drinking water for over 50 years.
  • No. Compatibility testing at 5 ppm and 100 ppm has demonstrated that CDD 5000® is compatible with most metals and plastics and should not damage pumps, valves, reservoirs, or water lines. Please refer material handling instructions for the same.
  • Use of CDD 5000® does not require any certifications for storage, handling, or use. There is no hazardous waste disposal. Plus, it is okay to pour excess activated solution down a drain.
  • CDD 5000® generates chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution form where in ClO2 gas is dissolved in water. Hence when the solution is added to water for system sanitation it’s the dissolved gas water which takes care of sanitation. ClO2 does not dissipate in water. Hence the molecule does not stick to the system surface or parts which in case of other liquid chemicals may be possible. Hence a simply flushing the system with pure water will remove any traces. Further the disinfection bi-products will be sodium chloride & Sodium sulfate. Which are formed after the disinfection and substances are commonly found in water. If we wish to check the system for any residual traces than with the help of ORP meter the oxidation potential can be checked. And other chemicals being inorganic in nature can be checked by measuring conductivity. And after flushing the system water can be checked with the help of orthotoludene( OT ) by adding 2 drops of OT in 10 ml of water for the traces of combined chlorine.
  • There is a big difference if CDD 5000® is compared with other treatment products like Hydrogen peroxide, Peracetic acid , or any other chemicals. Difference in the reaction mechanism how the chemical does the disinfection takes place. All the chemicals mentioned react with water and the resultant byproduct does the job of oxidation or disinfection. In case of CDD 5000® the molecule generated is ClO2 which stays as an inert gas dissolved in water. And it does not react with water and it works by deactivating micro organisms by attacking and penetrating their cell wall, disrupting the transport of nutrients across the cell wall and inhibiting protein synthesis. Since this action occurs regardless of the metabolic state of the organism, oxidizing biocides are effective against dormant organisms and spores. Hence a system validation is not usually followed. In case of regulatory requirements the same can be done as explain above.

Upgrade your disinfection process with CDD 5000®!

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