Chlorine Dioxide Liquid (CDL-7500®)

CDL-7500® comes in a two-component liquid mixture that, when added to a set volume of water, produces a 0.75% (7500ppm) solution of Chlorine Dioxide. CDL-7500® enables a wider public to reap the benefits from Chlorine Dioxide, without the hassle of a generator. With CDL-7500® the generator is embedded in the liquids.

The liquid components of CDL-7500® are easy to transport and stock and safe to use. Dosing is done by conventional plug and play metering equipment. As a made-up ay metering equipment. As a made-uptive IES concentrate CDL-7500® delivers a far more effective disinfection power than any other traditional disinfectants and a more rapid disinfection can be made through its self-dispersal action



Step One

Take a dark tank of HDPE which can contain 100

Step Two

Fill the tank with 85 L of tap water

Step Three

Then Add 5 I of component A to the 85 I of water

Step Four

Then add 10 I component B to the water

Step Five

Close the tank. Wait for minimum 7 hours

Step Six

Stir the tank one time. CDL-7500® is ready to use.

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